History of the applications of aeropalynology in medicine

Radoslaw Spiewak

Source: Spiewak R. Historia zastosowan aeropalinologii w medycynie. In: Dybova-Jachowicz S., Sadowska A. (Ed.): Palinologia. Institute of Botanics PAN, Krakow 2003, 61-62.

The first scientist to undertake research on pollinosis in Poland was Mieczyslaw Obtulowicz in Krakow just before the outbreak of World War II. After the war, the research on this topic was resumed again in Krakow in the 1960s. In the next decade, studies by other researchers at different locations in Poland were initiated. At present, palynology for the purposes of allergology is developing very rapidly.

Pollens & Pollinosis
Full article in Polish

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