To be presented at the EAACI 2004: XXIII Congress of the European Academy of Allergology and Clinical Immunology, Amsterdam, 12-16 June 2004

History of drug intolerance in a random sample of young Poles

R Spiewak, A Horoch, A Gora, N M Stojek, M Jarosz
Instytut Medycyny Wsi, Occupational Biohazards, Lublin, Poland

Background: 134 randomly selected eastern-Polish farming students were surveyed in a study on the risk factors for occupational diseases (part of the "Lublin Study"). In addition to the questions about work-related symptoms, the questionnaire included also a question about drug intolerance.

Methods: 51 females and 83 males aged 16-23 (median 19) years underwent clinical examination, total IgE measurement and Phadiatop test. The physician-administered questionnaire included also the question "Have you ever had unwanted reactions after taking any medicine?". In case of a positive answer, the trade name or at least the therapeutic category of the causative drug was recorded.

Results: The history of drug intolerance was reported by 13 persons, which makes 9.7% of the population examined (95% confidence interval: 4.7-14.7%). Among them, 9 persons had intolerance reactions to antibiotics (5 to penicillin, 1 to doxycyclin, 1 to cefadroxil and 2 to unspecified antibiotics). Four persons complained of aspirin intolerance, further 2 persons - of intolerance to pyrazolone drugs (metamizole and amimophenazone). Atopy was found in 35.3% (95% CI: 27.3-43.3%) of examined students. For allergic skin diseases, the point prevalence was 5.9%, the lifetime prevalence 28.7%; for allergic rhinitis 12.7% and 16.4% respectively; for asthma 2.2% and 8.8%. There was no significant correlation between the history of drug intolerance and gender, elevated IgE level, positive Phadiatop, or history of allergic diseases (Table 1).

Conclusion: Every tenth Polish youth experienced in his/her life at least one episode of drug intolerance reaction.

Table 1. Analysis of possible risk factors did not reveal any statistically significant relationship.

Intolerance to... Female gender IgE> 120 kU/l Phadiatop History of dermatitis History of allergic rhinitis History of asthma
...all drugs p=0.08p=1.00 p=0.75 p=0.19 p=0.51 p=0.13
...antibiotics p=0.30 p=1.00 p=0.47 p=0.27 p=1.00 p=0.07

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