Producers of cosmetics seek recommendations of medical societies in order to convince the buyers that their products are "healthier" than those of competitors.
Objective: To analyze the presence of sensitizing ingredients in cosmetics recommended by the Polish Society of Dermatology (PSD) and Polish Society of Allergology (PSA).
Materials and methods: Cosmetics recommended by PSD and PSA were analyzed for the presence of "problematic" ingredients listed in Annexes III and VI of the EU's Cosmetic Directive (CD), as well as non-listed ingredients known to be sensitizers.
Results: Out of 105 cosmetics recommended by PSD, 102 (97.1%) contained CD-listed ingredients, including fragrances in 100 (95.2%) products, and preservatives in 46 (43.8%). Other sensitizers were present in 42 (40.0%) cosmetics, 101 (96.2%) cosmetics recommended by the PSD contained fragrances hidden under a cryptonym "Parfum". Among 26 cosmetics recommended by the PSA, all contained "problematic" ingredients. EC-listed fragrances were present in one (3.8%), while preservatives - in 17 (65.4%). Other known sensitizers were found in 10 (38.5%), and the cryptic "Parfums" were present in 25 (96.2%) cosmetics recommended by the PSA.
Conclusion: Recommendations of leading Polish scientific societies in the field of allergy and dermatology do not guarantee safety to consumers with allergic skin diseases.
Key words: cosmetics, recommendations, Polish Society of Dermatology, Polish Society of Allergology, The European Union Cosmetics Directive
preservatives, fragrances, sensitizers.
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Testing for cosmetic allergy in Krakow (Cracow), Poland